Habits | Result |
Mind Did you do innercise? |
Body Did you move your body? |
NutritionDid you fuel your body? |
Did you set an intention for the day? |
Did you take action to get 1% better today? |
Below you will find a history of your habit tracking scores which will help you to identify what is working and what you need to focus on.
Month | day | Mind | Body | Nutrition | intention | 1 % | Score |
{{date('F', strtotime($habit->date)) }} | {{date('dS', strtotime($habit->date)) }} | @if($habit->question_1) 1 @else 0 @endif | @if($habit->question_1) 1 @else 0 @endif | @if($habit->question_3) 1 @else 0 @endif | @if($habit->question_4) 1 @else 0 @endif | @if($habit->question_5) 1 @else 0 @endif | @if($habit->countHabits() < 1) {{$habit->countHabits()}} @endif @if($habit->countHabits() < 4 && $habit->countHabits() > 1) {{$habit->countHabits()}} @endif @if($habit->countHabits() < 6 && $habit->countHabits() > 3 ) {{$habit->countHabits()}} @endif |