Please tick the boxes below for the daily habits you have completed today

  • Mind - Did you spend time on innercise today to put yourself into a positive state of mind (i.e. morning routine, guided audio, journaling, visualising, meditation, reflection, etc)?
  • Body - Did you move your body today (i.e. strength, cardio, training, game, skills, foam roll, yoga, stretching, rehab, etc)?
  • Nutrition - Did you fuel your body properly today (i.e. eat enough calories, a balance of macros, drink 2L water, eat within 60 mins of exercise, etc)
  • Intention - Did you set a specific goal for the day (i.e. do one extra pushup, go to bed earlier, throw one aerial at training, 80% pass accuracy in my game, etc)?
  • 1% Action - Did you take action and get 1% better today (i.e. got lower on my OH squat, extra rep on my lunges, went to bed 30 mins earlier, asked the coach for feedback, good nutritional choice, etc?
Daily habits
{{\Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('d F Y')}}

Today Habits
Habits Result
Mind Did you do innercise?
Body Did you move your body?
NutritionDid you fuel your body?
Did you set an intention for the day?
Did you take action to get 1% better today?

Last week habits

My Habits tracking

Below you will find a history of your habit tracking scores which will help you to identify what is working and what you need to focus on.

@foreach($habits as $habit) @endforeach
Month day Mind Body Nutrition intention 1 % Score
{{date('F', strtotime($habit->date)) }} {{date('dS', strtotime($habit->date)) }} @if($habit->question_1) 1 @else 0 @endif @if($habit->question_1) 1 @else 0 @endif @if($habit->question_3) 1 @else 0 @endif @if($habit->question_4) 1 @else 0 @endif @if($habit->question_5) 1 @else 0 @endif @if($habit->countHabits() < 1) {{$habit->countHabits()}} @endif @if($habit->countHabits() < 4 && $habit->countHabits() > 1) {{$habit->countHabits()}} @endif @if($habit->countHabits() < 6 && $habit->countHabits() > 3 ) {{$habit->countHabits()}} @endif